
Export contents of the devices table to KML.

usage: kismet_log_to_kml [-h] [--in INFILE] [--out OUTFILE]
                         [--start-time STARTTIME] [--min-signal MINSIGNAL]
                         [--strongest-point] [--title TITLE] [--ssid SSID]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help              show this help message and exit
  --in INFILE             Input (.kismet) file
  --out OUTFILE           Output filename (optional)
  --start-time STARTTIME  Only list devices seen after given time
  --min-signal MINSIGNAL  Only list devices with a best signal higher than min-signal
  --strongest-point       Plot points based on strongest signal
  --title TITLE           Title embedded in KML file
  --ssid SSID             Only plot networks which match the SSID (or SSID regex)